Thursday, September 15, 2011


I'm back!

As it's September, we're all back to school. Which brings to me to some big news...I am working in a different capacity as an interventionist. Actually I'm doing a few things. First and foremost, I'm teaching/training as a reading recovery teacher. I also provide: small group instruction using Literacy Lessons for the Individuals (LLI), and targeted skill instruction in math for grades two and four. Quite a change from being a first grade teacher for twelve years. I won't lie...I respond to change in lots of funky ways, yet I'm fulfilled and feeling HAPPY.

Summer was divine. June and July were quite warm and dry. And as it sometimes works out, August was wet and mild. I got my normal shorts tan as I tended our garden and the abundance of tomatoes and cucumbers made learning how to can necessary and fun. Now we have jars of salsa, dill pickles, spaghetti sauce, bread and butter pickles, winter vegetables, and dilly beans on our pantry shelves. Last weekend we actually pulled most of the garden up, but we still have carrots, peppers and a few cherry tomatoes in the ground. With a frost warning in the forecast, we covered things up last night.

No promises, but I suspect I'll be back. This felt right.


The Buck Shoots Here said...

Good to have you back <3

ChiTown Girl said...

Oh my gosh, how did I miss this post!?! Welcome back, my friend. I look forward to hearing all about your adventures in your new position. Congrats!