Sunday, March 8, 2009

Move and Improve!

So I've  signed up for a wellness sponsored activity with my school where I log into and keep track of my weekly exercise. My goal is to exercise four days a week for thirty  minutes. 

 A couple of the days get taken care of easily as I take Lea to dance on Sundays and walk and practice my dance steps with Rach. While on Thursdays, I dance for ninety minutes. (For those of you on Facebook, now you know why I need the Milkyway.) It's the other two days I struggle with, so this week, I will take a walk and go to the gym, which is right down the road...I don't even have to drive!

A part of this program involves incentives (a cash drawing), which is a big motivator for me. I wish I could say that I get out and exercise everyday just because it's fun and I love it...But with work and a family and winter and the mud, the excuses could go on and on.

In the spirit of honesty and full disclosure, I will say that I didn't exercise four days last week. But rest assured, there's a bit more to the program that involves an overall goal of getting four days of exercise eight out of twelve weeks, so I remain hopeful and resolute in my attempts to move and improve.

1 comment:

The Buck Shoots Here said...

I too find the cash incentives to be the most motivating... let me know i you want to meet up for a walk some day!