Saturday, December 13, 2008

The December Rush Sets In...

But we're determined to remain calm as we get things done. All the while pledging to enjoy ourselves and each other.

Today we'll go shopping so the kids can get supplies for their best friend presents. We'll pick out a tree and decorate it. The turkeys and pumpkins will be boxed up. They're tired of the cold porch anyway, however comfy the wicker couch is. The snowmen clear their throats from the upstairs closet, even as I write this. I know...It'll be soon my little snowballs.

I need to make my mom an album from our wedding...A year and a half late, but it'll be appreciated nonetheless. 

Then the normal stuff like folding laundry and grocery shopping. 

Having yesterday, as a play-day, makes this weekend more manageable. 

Tis the season to be jolly and purposeful.

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